The importance of clean water for the planet and beyond.According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 2 million people die every year from diarrheal diseases, and almost 90% of these deaths are in children under 5 years of age. The problem is not just an issue in developing countries; cholera alone has killed up to 6,500 people since the beginning of this year in Haiti and there have been over 700 cases reported in New York City since October 2010 alone. Clean water, sanitation, hygiene and proper hygiene practices are fundamental to preventing these deaths – but only if you know where the problem lies and what can be done about it.
Water Is A Necessity For All Living Things
Water is critical to life. It’s in our blood and all living things need it. But did you know that 80% of our planet is covered in water? Water covers 71% of Earth’s surface, but 97% is saline (unfit to drink). We use fresh water for drinking, bathing, washing clothes, watering plants, etc., but fresh water supplies are not unlimited. There’s a difference between fresh and saltwater, but even lakes and rivers can become polluted with trash or other chemicals making them unfit to drink. It’s estimated that there are over 1 billion people around the world who do not have access to clean drinking water so we need to work hard at protecting all sources of freshwater everywhere we can. To make sure we’re doing what we can to keep our planet healthy, take these steps:
1) Stay informed about how your community uses its water resources.
2) Recycle when possible.
3) Take shorter showers and don’t leave taps running unnecessarily.
4) Keep drains free of hair by using strainers on bathtubs and sinks.
5) Use fewer plastic products (i.e., grocery bags, food containers), which require more water to produce than many other common materials used for packaging or storage.
6) Plant trees – trees help purify air as well as provide shade which keeps temperatures down – which helps reduce energy costs!
We Use Water Every Day Without Even Realizing It
Water is essential to everything we do—we can’t live without it. The body is made up mostly of water, so our brains can operate, muscles can move, hair can grow, cells can function, etc. Water cleanses us, hydrates us, cools us off in hot weather and warms us up in cold weather. And we use it all day every day without even realizing it—in our toothbrushes as we brush our teeth; in our shampoo as we wash our hair; in our dishes as we clean them; in countless other ways both big and small that are necessary for living comfortably on a daily basis. It’s easy to take water for granted, but when you stop and think about how important it is to your everyday life (and then realize just how many people don’t have access to clean water), you might be inclined to give back. A great way to start doing that is by donating money or time or both through an organization like Charity: Water . This nonprofit helps fund projects around the world that will bring fresh drinking water directly into communities who need it most. It also provides sustainable solutions for delivering safe drinking water long after its initial donation has been spent.
Why Are We Short Of Clean Water?
The world’s population is growing at an alarming rate; it’s estimated that by 2050, we’ll have over 9 billion people on our planet. That means we’re going to need even more water than before, but what we do have will be put under greater stress by pollution and climate change. As cities grow in size, so does their pollution. Over 200 million people around the world already face chronic or periodic shortages of drinkable water, which is likely to worsen as populations boom. The scarcity of clean drinking water combined with inadequate sanitation causes about 2 million deaths a year from diarrhea — making it one of our biggest health issues globally today. What’s worse? Climate change is only going to make things worse: rising temperatures cause glaciers and snowpacks to melt faster, putting less water into rivers during dry seasons. And when there isn’t enough rain or snowmelt, we’re forced to rely on groundwater sources like aquifers – but those are being depleted rapidly. Even if you don’t live in an area where droughts are common, you can still help conserve water at home by using less energy (by taking shorter showers) and turning off your faucet while brushing your teeth! You can also help conserve water locally through simple actions like planting trees near lakes or streams – they’ll soak up excess runoff during storms and keep pollutants out of waterways.
What Can You Do About It?
As a consumer, you have a number of options. Demand more from your favorite brands. Look for items that are labeled Made with Clean Water or, if those options aren’t available, look online to find out where companies get their water from (and then let them know what you think about it). Or try making one simple swap: drink tap water instead of bottled. Next time you grab a plastic bottle from your fridge, open up your tap instead—and then recycle your old plastic bottle after refilling it. It might seem like a small step, but remember that big changes start with small steps. And when you do reach for a reusable water bottle, opt for glass over plastic whenever possible. Glass is infinitely recyclable, unlike many types of plastics. And it doesn’t contain bisphenol A (BPA), which is used in some plastics and has been linked to serious health problems. In fact, some research suggests BPA exposure may be linked to diabetes in women as well as heart disease in men.
Clean water is a necessity, not a luxury. What does that mean? Well, on one level, it means that without clean drinking water you will eventually die. On another level, though, it means something much more subtle—and maybe even more important. Clean water is an essential part of an ecosystem; if our rivers and oceans are sullied or drained of life (thanks to pollution or runoff), so too is everything around us affected by that loss. We need fresh sources of water now more than ever—not just to keep us alive but also to ensure that all life on our planet continues to thrive as well. Water affects every aspect of nature, including air quality and climate change. As we’ve already seen in many areas around the world, severe droughts can have devastating effects on food production, local economies and overall human health. To continue enjoying life as we know it today—with plentiful food supplies and access to clean drinking water everywhere—we must act now to preserve our future supply of clean water. To do that effectively requires broad participation from people like you!