HomeTechHow to Clean Up Your Email List With These 5 Tips

How to Clean Up Your Email List With These 5 Tips

How to Clean Up Your Email List With These 5 Tips

How to Clean Up Your Email List With These 5 Tips. It’s an unfortunate fact of business that almost all email addresses can be faked in one way or another. If you run an online business, it’s crucial to keep your email validation up to date so that you don’t miss out on sales because you accidentally deleted real customers who had fake email addresses. Here are 5 tips that will help you stay ahead of fake addresses and get the most out of your email validation service.

Read the emails you receive

The most important thing to remember about email validation is that it must happen before sending your email. This may seem like common sense, but many people send their email without even checking the email address first, which is a big mistake because there’s a good chance it’ll be bounced back. There are a number of tools available online and desktop versions you can download that will validate your email address, so don’t think you’re stuck with what comes standard on your computer. Here are five easy tips to help keep your inbox squeaky clean:
1. Always check the address of the recipient before sending your email.

2. Don’t make your email long if it’s just a one liner or if you need to provide more information in order to receive a response.

3.Use a readable font size – not too small where text becomes illegible and not too large where each letter takes up an entire line in an otherwise compact message.

4.Be mindful of spacing – short lines increase readability by making it easier for readers’ eyes to find the next line of text when scanning down the page or screen; longer lines slow down reading speed because readers have less breaks between words, forcing them to pause more often as they read from left-to-right across lines (especially on small screens).

5.Finally, don’t forget apostrophes!

Set up filters

1 Set up a filter to receive an email notification any time you get a message from an unrecognized sender

2 Create filters to delete messages with specific words in the subject line and then mark them as read after they are deleted.

3 Customize your settings so that incoming emails with attachments automatically open up in a separate tab. If you want attachments to be saved on your computer, click save when you receive the message and then set a filter so that future attachments will go into your email folder of choice.

4 Let Gmail do the work for you by clicking on Report Spam at the top of each email and letting Gmail scan all previous emails from this sender to determine if it’s spam or not.

Use archives

Have you ever sent an email and never heard back? Is your inbox so full of unopened emails that you can’t see what’s there? Well, we’ve got 5 tips to keep your inbox clean.
1) Choose a name that is easy to spell and understand. It might sound basic, but this will make it easier for people to open the email with a clear conscience. 2) Keep your sign off short and sweet. You want people to be drawn into the message instead of being distracted by a long winded introduction or list of credentials. 3) Address the recipient in the beginning of the body not in the subject line. This will help them get excited about reading the whole message because they know who it’s intended for!

Create folders

1) Create different folders to organize emails. While you might use Gmail, many people prefer to use apps like Outlook or Apple Mail. This will help you get a good idea of what type of emails you’re getting and also keep your inbox from becoming overcrowded with unimportant mail that still needs to be dealt with. There are two types of folders you can create: To Do and Follow Up. To Do is just where all the new email goes as it comes in. It’s not something that gets reviewed on a regular basis and should only have things like reminders, notifications, important messages (like airline confirmation numbers), etc. The follow up folder is used for emails that need some kind of response but not necessarily now; this could be anything from newsletter subscriptions to customer feedback. Emails go into this folder when they’ve been answered, replied too, replied with an automatic reply (e.g., I’m out of office), or set a date in the future when they’ll be answered (like setting up an appointment).

Never hit delete

Here are quick tips to help you clean up your email account and keep your inbox squeaky clean:

1. Make sure you unsubscribe from all the emails that don’t provide value for you, but that also have inundated your inbox. 2. Invest time in unsubscribing from third-party notifications for platforms like Facebook and Twitter. 3. Stop adding emails to your main account without verifying them. 4. Create an archive folder for emails that need a more permanent home, with the goal of emptying it someday down the line and reclaiming your deleted emails from purgatory forevermore!


So you’ve taken a few quick minutes to follow these tips and now your inbox is fresh and squeaky clean. Give yourself a pat on the back and keep an eye on the email validation services in your accounts. If emails start going missing, it might not be a problem with them but with your own settings. Try unchecking some of the filtering options to see if that solves the problem. Good luck!



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