Who Will Win the War for Tech Standard Supremacy? US or China? Which country will come out on top in the battle for tech standard supremacy? While this may seem like an easy question to answer at first, it actually isn’t, because no one knows the answer yet. It’s too early to tell which country will win this war—the United States or China—and it will likely take at least five years to find out which one will end up the winner. If you want to know more about why both countries are currently battling each other and what each side wants to accomplish, keep reading, because we’ll cover all of that in this article!
History repeats itself
Some history will help to contextualize the present war. For example, in 1876, Ernest Rutherford conducted experiments that helped establish the concept of alpha radiation, a type of radioactive emission. Rutherford believed that atoms were composed of small particles and at his time no one knew how these were arranged or their size. So he took two metal foils and bombarded them with alpha particles from a radioactive sample—he then positioned a phosphorescent screen behind this setup so he could watch for any resulting flashes of light caused by excited atoms emitting electrons. One foil was thin and the other was thick, but after hours of observation there was not a single scintillation on the screen behind either one.
In frustration, Rutherford scraped off some lead to make it thinner still. Finally he detected an occasional flash of light as an alpha particle hit an atom on the surface of the foil. He concluded that some kind of penetrating alpha ray must be passing through both sheets without being stopped! The discovery led him to hypothesize that alpha rays are made up mostly of helium atoms stripped off oxygen (later known as alpha particles).
Cryptocurrencies are here to stay
Cryptocurrencies are in a state of flux. It is uncertain what will happen to them in the future, but they are unlikely to disappear. They serve many different functions and can provide an excellent way to purchase goods online, pay for education or simply get out of a sticky situation if you’re in a tight spot and need quick cash fast. There’s no way that governments and banks can regulate it (which may seem scary at first), but it’s also liberating because there are virtually no barriers to entry when setting up a new cryptocurrency. Most cryptocurrencies’ transactions happen on public ledgers, which means your transactions don’t rely on someone else’s trust. They rely on yours!
Blockchain adoption is accelerating
The blockchain is considered to be one of the next transformative technologies, potentially even more impactful than the Internet. Corporations are investing in blockchain due to its potential benefits, such as heightened transparency and efficiency. B2B payments, smart contracts, and streamlining supply chains are some of the use cases that organizations are currently exploring.
Blockchain has its risks too. We can see technology’s standardization as a balancing act-the push and pull between preventing new technology from becoming too rigid while also encouraging innovation that will keep our society competitive in an evolving marketplace.
Made in China 2025
The United States has, historically, been a major influencer in determining which technology becomes mainstream. Often times, when tech innovations are invented in other countries (such as Japan) they are adapted by Americans and then re-introduced to their originators.
Recently, there has been an increase in competency in countries outside of the US, such as those of Asian descent. In response to this threat China has pledged to have these emerging markets’ technology standards 100% Chinese by 2025.
Made In China 2025 (three sentences) With this goal in mind it is difficult to say which country will win the war for tech standard supremacy: The US or China? The US benefits from its research institutions but lags behind in innovation. It can only adapt new technology, not invent it. However, with American entrepreneurship and creativity combined with its rich history of research institutions,it may be able to maintain some dominance over the global tech scene through 2030.
US Government issues open letter on national security risks
This letter should be read by all chief executives of tech companies. The seriousness of this issue cannot be overstated. If any tech company wants to do business in America, they need to answer some questions. Some of these questions might seem invasive, but they are necessary: Where were you born? Where are your parents from? What is your religion? What names do you use? Do you have relatives in Russia? Asking these questions and others like them will help us find out who our allies are. American companies will only represent America abroad; consequently, we can’t let foreign state actors skate past this checkpoint with neither incident nor scrutiny… The world has become a dangerous place, and it’s time that we make sure the people representing us share our values.
The Answer
Recently, more and more Western companies are looking to China for help in developing their products. The Chinese government has put a plan in place to help companies expand outside of China, as well as establish international partnerships to create global standards. US policymakers have reacted with increased scrutiny of tech industry deals, potentially placing tariffs on Chinese imports. These tensions are only exacerbating an ongoing power struggle between China and the United States over which country will lead the future of global trade, commerce, and technology development.
It’s clear to see why China is rapidly gaining ground on the USA when it comes to tech standard supremacy. The Chinese government has gone out of its way to create incentives for a wide range of technology companies, from high-tech manufacturing to financial and medical services. There are huge benefits from achieving a spot in their Made in China 2025 initiative. First off, government subsidies are given to participating companies that agree to comply with the initiative’s targets. This will help those businesses invest more heavily in research and development, plus have the chance of being granted preferential procurement by state-owned enterprises.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Who has better technology US or China?
This is on the grounds that, in many regions, there is no innovation contest between the two nations. There is just China's dependence on the U.S. — an undeniably more innovatively progressed country with undeniably more mechanically progressed partners and exchanging accomplices.
Is China ahead of the US in technology?
However America is Ahead of China in many advancements this moment, China is making up for lost time and has done as such in certain areas.
Will China ever be more powerful than the US?
There is no question that China has proactively turned into the worldwide force to be reckoned with monetarily, and is supposed to outperform the US as the world's greatest economy by 2028
Who leads the world in technology?
By this measure the United States is the undisputed leader, as it is the home of the world's biggest technology companies.