Google is changing the world one person at a time.Google has been changing the world since it was founded in 1998, but now it’s doing things on an even bigger scale than ever before. They don’t just want to change the world; they are intent on doing so and have already started to do just that, particularly in the fields of education and healthcare, which have seen some major breakthroughs as a result of Google’s innovations. Google wants to get everyone connected and help people everywhere—and by all accounts, they are succeeding at that goal.
The answer to global connectivity is not yet one device or strategy. The answer lies in an ecosystem of devices and strategies that make communication possible no matter where you are, what device you’re using, and who your friends are.
The first step to solving this connectivity problem was making more reliable devices. In the past, cell phones were unreliable because they couldn’t be used in remote areas without being connected by expensive ground-based networks. But with devices like Google’s Android One phone, it has become easier than ever to communicate even without an internet connection.
Ease of access to knowledge
With so much information available on the internet, people are able to learn things they never knew before. Google has made it easier than ever for people all over the world to access this information and gain knowledge in any field they choose. With a click of a button, you can read an encyclopedia’s worth of information about any subject. Plus, if you’re not sure what you want to learn about, Google has many search options that can guide you through various topics.
This new form of knowledge distribution has given people around the globe more opportunities than ever before. Google breaks down barriers and helps everyone from students to professionals find new ways to solve problems without restrictions or boundaries.
Breaking down language barriers
There are many languages in this world and people who speak these languages. In order to communicate with each other, they had to find ways to translate words from their language into another language. Google Translate changed the way people communicated by making it easier for them to learn new languages and translate words. This app has helped people all over the world find more information and share it with others. It’s helping people around the globe make new friends, learn about different cultures, teach children new things and even help elderly citizens keep up with technology.
Helping people find jobs
In order to find relevant jobs, people are increasingly turning to search engines. Google’s new tool for job seekers, Google for Jobs, makes it easier for people to find jobs in their area. The company uses data from over 80,000 websites and 1,600 newspapers to compile job listings. When someone searches using jobs near me or part-time jobs, they’ll be presented with results tailored to their specific location and experience level. The more data searchers share with Google – through Google Maps, Gmail and YouTube – the better suited it can be in providing accurate search results.
Google is building a better future
In order to create this future, Google is tackling some of the biggest challenges in the world today. First, Google has invested in renewable energy for years. Second, it gives users choice and control over their data so they can use apps and other services without fear that their data will be sold without their knowledge or permission. Third, it offers tools like YouTube Kids to filter out inappropriate content so children can learn from educational videos instead of from something inappropriate on YouTube. Fourth, it’s also investing heavily in machine learning and artificial intelligence to develop new ways for people to interact with technology such as using voice search instead of typing into a device. Fifth, Google’s Voice Interaction API lets developers build voice-enabled applications with just 10 lines of code.
Improving government services
In an effort to make governments more responsive and accountable to their citizens, Google has been developing new ways to help people better understand what their governments are doing. In 2010, Google began compiling data on government spending in America through public records requests and other sources. Today, they publish information on over 1 billion public expenditures every year. These numbers provide transparency into how our government spends taxpayer money – from military expenses to welfare programs.
One small step for man
In 2003, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two PhD students from Stanford University, set out to build what they hoped would be an open system that could provide access to information for anyone. Their vision was simple: to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. In order to achieve this goal, they started by building Google as an extension of their research on individualized search. From there, Google went on to create new technologies like Gmail, YouTube, Google News and Maps in order to organize all of the world’s information, according to its mission statement. Today, Google can be found in our pockets with Android phones or in our homes with Chromecast streaming devices.
Check out this chart…
Here are some of Google’s accomplishments:
- Google has found 10,000 Genomes in less than 1/5 of the time it would have taken without deep learning
- Google is also improving its machine translation system by 20% with DeepMind, which means that people in other languages will be able to more easily understand content on the internet
- Google is working with Partners in Health to provide medical care for 3 million people in Africa through mobile technology and data analytics. – And Google is using AI to detect diabetic retinopathy, one of the leading causes of blindness, among diabetics in India
It’s been more than 20 years since Larry and Sergey first started Google. They never could have predicted that their search engine would change the way people around the world connect, get information, solve problems, and engage in commerce. But they understood that we’re living in an era where technology can be used to make positive change. And now, as we enter our third decade, Google’s long-term goal remains unchanged: to use technology to make things better for everyone and to improve quality of life around the world.